I'm installing Neo4j on a headless system, a virtual server only accessible by ssh. When using the instructions from http://debian.neo4j.org/, the package manager wishes to install java-runtime, which pulls in all kinds of GUI-related packages. There is a headless version available (java-runtime-headless), but it is clear that this doesn't satisfy the dependency.
Is it possible to install Neo4j, using the deb repository made available, with the headless java runtime and then how, or are some of the non-headless packages really required?
In the end, I created a dummy package that makes java7-runtime-headless
satisfy java7-runtime
using the equivs
package. See the question “How to fake a package version installed?” for general information.
The package file I wrote is as simple as
Section: java
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
Package: java7-runtime-dummy4headless
Maintainer: equaeghe <equaeghe@example.com>
Depends: java7-runtime-headless
Provides: java7-runtime
Description: fake package to allow us to use java7-runtime-headless instead of java7-runtime for neo4j