I am trying to implement ng-class directive in angular and while doing so am a bit stuck on it..
The below is the code snippet:-
<button ng-class="{discover_premium btn btn-lg:userLogin ==2,discover_connect_btn btn btn-lg:userLogin ==3}" >{{userLogin}}</button>
I am using the following in the controller:-
var currentMember= CurrentUserData.query();
$scope.memberProfile = response.login_member_details;
var memberProfile = $scope.memberProfile;
if ($scope.memberProfile.type =="free")
$scope.userLogin = 2
$scope.userLogin = 3
So I want to implement different class for different condition..
Please help me out am a newbie..
Thanks a lot
Simply wrap the class names with single quotes
<button ng-class="{'discover_premium btn btn-lg': userLogin == 2, 'discover_connect_btn btn btn-lg': userLogin == 3}" >{{userLogin}}</button>