I'm using Drowizard 0.9.2 with JDBI to connect to my MySql Server. Now it could happen that my MySql Database is not active if my app starts due to async deployments. I then want my App to loop and check each 5 secs or so whether it can reach the database.
How is that possible with the framework mentioned above?
Just fyi, I've found a solution that works for me.
This method checks for a connection. If it returns false, I'll enter a synchronous loop that checks (and also establish a connection) when possible..
public boolean checkForConnection() {
Handle handle = null;
try {
jdbi = factory.build(environment, config.getDatabaseFactory(), "postgresql");
handle = jdbi.open();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while checking Postgres connection.");
return false;
} finally {
try {
if(handle != null){
} catch (Exception e){
LOGGER.error("Error trying to close connection");
return false;
return true;
Unfortunately, I can't use ConnectionFactory
as it is a private member of DBI.