Hi I'm trying to send an action from a sub component back up to the parent component so it can access this.store and perform a DB action. The basic layout is this:
app/templates/item/index.hbs -> does a loop of items using component
{{#each model as |item|}}
{{item-listing item=item}}
<li><a {{action 'copyItem' item}}>Copy</a></li>
In app/components/item-listing.js I have to define an action or I get an action not defined error. From here this.store is undefined, so I'm trying to bubble the action up.
actions: {
copyItem: function(item) {
this.sendAction('copyItem', item);
From here I'm lost. I've tried putting actions on all of the following:
/app/routes/item/index.js /app/routes/item.js
But it never seems to get past the sendAction call. What am I doing wrong?
You have to:
) in your controller (ItemIndexController).1st way:
{{#each model as |item|}}
{{item-listing item=item copyItem='copyItem'}}
2nd way:
{{#each model as |item|}}
{{item-listing item=item copyItem=(action 'copyItem')}}