After experimenting with 2 reducers, reading the HowManyMapsAndReduces from Hadoop Wiki, hadoop: number of reducers remains a constant 4, Hadoop: Number of mappers and reducers and Setting the number of map tasks and reduce tasks I am driven in the conclusion that:
If I have 1 map (I understand that the number gets actually decided by Hadoop) and 2 reducers (where I actually provided only 1 file with the reducer code, e.g. -reducer /bin/wc
), then what will happen from the following?
I think the 1st option, but I could not find evidence while searching the net.
Option 1a: Hadoop will distribute data to the reducers, but it may not evenly divide it. There is no guarantee of balancing, especially if (1) your key distribution is skewed or (2) there are not a lot of records.