Before, we were using jqGrid. Later we moved to Backbone.js, started working with Backgrid.
Now, we are evaluating moving Backbone.Views to React components and we can't find any grid plugin / add-on fat and rich as those mentioned.
Basically, we need everything you might imagine, selecting, filtering, paging, editing, sorting, subgrids...Out of the box :) I know we can make our own table component, adding sorting and stuff, but that's way too much work for us. We were more hoping for some "reuse" :)
Is there some grid component I missed on Google?
Is there some (nasty) way of using some of the old DOM dependant, jquery, backbone.js stuff with React?
ReactDataGrid is a datagrid for React and has a lot of that functionality mentioned, namely sorting, filtering, selecting, custom formatters and editors, copy and paste, cell drag down, frozen columns. Pagination and subgrids are on the road map. Check it out