I want to know the values in a Vec3b pixel in a Mat image. I'm not really an OpenCV expert.My Vec3b is, and if I print the Vec3b :
Vec3b centralIntensity;
cx=70; cy=700;
centralIntensity = (Vec3b)imgTemp->at<Vec3b>(cx, cy);
I get:
I:[70,700]=[150, 162, 160]
If i print the single values:
I get:
I noticed that if I change coordinates, the last print is always the same. Since I have to compare intensity pixel on the different channels, what would be a good way to do it and to know pixel values in BGR channels?
***EDIT1: This is how I create my Mat image (I already have a Mat imgIn as input) and I show in another way Vec3b:
Mat *imgTemp;
uchar cblue, blue, cgreen;
imgTemp = new Mat(imgIn->size(), CV_8UC3);
imgIn->convertTo(*imgTemp, CV_8UC3);
Vec3b centralIntensity;
centralIntensity = (Vec3b)imgTemp->at<Vec3b>(cx, cy);
centralIntensity[0] = cblue;
centralIntensity[1] = cgreen;
centralIntensity[2] = cred;
I get:
I:[70,700]=[150, 162, 160]
If I change coordinates?
I:[300,400]=[109, 123, 105]
You are overwriting centralIntensity
with uninitialized values cblue
, cred
, cgreen
, which will have random values inside.
Just correct the assignment:
cblue = centralIntensity[0];
cgreen = centralIntensity[1];
cred = centralIntensity[2];