I'm learning struts and I have created a dispatchAction
that check for users privileges and then forward to the correct page.
This is the code :
public class UserCheck extends DispatchAction {
private static String role = "";
public class UserAction extends DispatchAction {
public ActionForward checPrivileges(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
boolean isAdmin;
//check if admin and put outputin in isAdmin
//check if user is admin
if (isAdmin) {
role = "admin";
} else {
role = "user";
//forwared based on role
Can this code lead to a race condition since attribute role is static and shared between all the instance of UserCheck
Yes it will lead to a race condition if:
1. You have multiple instances of UserAction.
2. When you only have one instance of UserAction, but checPrivileges is not a synchronous method.