There is something strange happening when I try to debug application. Simply the debugger does not stop on breakpoints when I set breakpoints in catch portion of try-catch block.
Here is an example.
try {
throw std::overflow_error("test");
} catch (...) {
qDebug() << "caught"; // HERE, I SET BREAKPOINT ON THIS LINE
It prints the "caught" on screen when exception occurs but it does not stop on this line. (If you ever wonder; Yes, I'm building app in Debug mode and running in Debug mode)
Am I suffering from lack of fundamental knowledge about how gdb works? (I mean maybe it does not stop because breakpoints in catch portion does not work)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To catch an exception in IDE, you need issue gdb commands directly in gdb console. Here's link how to get into gdb console in Qt Create IDE: Accessing gdb console in Qt-Creator
Once you're the type
catch throw
to stop when your program throws an exception or
catch catch
to stop in the catch block.
If you need to catch a specific library exception, read this thread: GDB: How to break when a specific exception type is thrown?