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Group of subdocuments not fetching the correct value

I am using AngularJS to group all subdocuments of array. it is able to group only the first item of the subdocument and gives the length how do i get the count of its proper length. My plunk link.

the result i am getting now is

Isnain Meals - 1

Chicken Burger - 2

the expected result

Isnain Meals - 2

Chicken Burger - 2


<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <div ng-repeat="(key, data) in groupedByFoodName">
      <p>{{key}} - {{data.length}}</p>

Controller JS

$scope.groupedByFoodName=  _.groupBy($scope.lists, function (each) { return each.orderfood[0].name });


  $scope.lists = [
  "_id": "56b0c315e179bb0e00a44dbf",
  "orderfood": [
      "_id": "569d865bff1fe20e00f8ba97",
      "qty": "1",
      "confirm": true,
      "price": 154,
      "name": "Isnain Meals"
      "_id": "569d865bff1fe20e00f8ba98",
      "qty": "1",
      "confirm": true,
      "price": 154,
      "name": "Isnain Meals"
  "content": "9176649143",
  "created": "2016-02-02T14:54:13.926Z"
  "_id": "56b06ed25b53250e00ccbd73",
  "orderfood": [
      "_id": "569d84f04834c10e003dff36",
      "qty": "1",
      "confirm": true,
      "price": 125,
      "name": "Chicken Burger"
  "content": "6886058585",
  "created": "2016-02-02T08:54:42.986Z"
  "_id": "56b06ed25b53250e00ccbd74",
  "orderfood": [
      "_id": "569d84f04834c10e003dff37",
      "qty": "1",
      "confirm": true,
      "price": 125,
      "name": "Chicken Burger"
  "content": "6886058585",
  "created": "2016-02-02T08:54:42.986Z"


  • Try this

    var groupedByFoodName=  _.chain(lists).map(function(each){ return each.orderfood}).flatten().groupBy(function (each) { console.log(each); return  }).value();

    You are not quite right _.groupBy written, it returns only the first name of the array orderfood.

    Live example on jsfiddle.

    <form name="ExampleForm" id="ExampleForm">
      <div ng-repeat="(key, data) in groupedByFoodName">
        <p>{{key}} - {{data.length}}</p>

    And JS:

        $scope.lists = [{
      "_id": "56b0c315e179bb0e00a44dbf",
      "orderfood": [{
        "_id": "569d865bff1fe20e00f8ba97",
        "qty": "1",
        "confirm": true,
        "price": 154,
        "name": "Isnain Meals"
      }, {
        "_id": "569d865bff1fe20e00f8ba98",
        "qty": "1",
        "confirm": true,
        "price": 154,
        "name": "Isnain Meals"
      "content": "9176649143",
      "created": "2016-02-02T14:54:13.926Z"
    }, {
      "_id": "56b06ed25b53250e00ccbd73",
      "orderfood": [{
        "_id": "569d84f04834c10e003dff36",
        "qty": "1",
        "confirm": true,
        "price": 125,
        "name": "Chicken Burger"
      "content": "6886058585",
      "created": "2016-02-02T08:54:42.986Z"
    }, {
      "_id": "56b06ed25b53250e00ccbd74",
      "orderfood": [{
        "_id": "569d84f04834c10e003dff37",
        "qty": "1",
        "confirm": true,
        "price": 125,
        "name": "Chicken Burger"
      "content": "6886058585",
      "created": "2016-02-02T08:54:42.986Z"
    $scope.groupedByFoodName = _.chain($scope.lists).map(function(each) {
      return each.orderfood
    }).flatten().groupBy(function(each) {