So I understand you can have object streams, i.e. Stream<T>
and specialist primitive streams, e.g. IntStream
, DoubleStream
, etc. One of the benefits of the latter is to avoid autoboxing.
Also if we take IntStream
as an example, it has specialised operations such as filter that accepts an IntPredicate
I wondered if I had an IntStream
vs a Stream<Integer>
at which point you're saving on boxing, e.g.
intstream.filter(x -> x >= 50).forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));
stream.filter(x -> x >= 50).forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));
In the first example, there is no boxing or unboxing that I can see. In the second example where is the boxing / unboxing occurring? Because if stream is a Stream<Integer>
and the filter accepts a Predicate<Integer>
then surely there's no need to box/unbox, and the same for IntConsumer
vs Consumer<T>
With Stream<Integer>
your stream is already boxed. So depending on how you created it there are several possibilities:
You have initially boxed values. For example, you had List<Integer> list
as the input and wrote:
stream =;
You boxed your values when creating the stream. For example, you created it like this:
stream = Stream.iterate(1, x -> x+1);
In this case the first argument is boxed to Integer.valueOf(1)
and unboxing/boxing also occurs on every lambda (which is UnaryOperator<Integer>
) invocation. So effectively you have:
stream = Stream.iterate(Integer.valueOf(1), x -> Integer.valueOf(x.intValue()+1));
You boxed your source explicitly via upstream intermediate operation. For example:
stream = IntStream.range(0, 1000).boxed();
In this case boxing is performed inside the .boxed()
operation (which is a shortcut for .mapToObj(Integer::valueOf)