Hello I am very new to Kendo UI and I am having issues getting certain value which is sent back from my controller in a Json format.
Json that is returned
My drop down list is binded to a view model
var viewmodel = kendo.observable({
region: "",
id : "",
} );
optionLabel: "Select Region",
dataTextField: "OfficeGroup",
dataValueField: "OfficeGroupID",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "home/GetRegionList",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
method: "POST",
select: function(e){
viewmodel.region = e.item[0].innerText;
viewmodel.id = e.?????????????????? <<< cannot find the office group id
Currently with the selected function I am able to get the office group names, however I when I am trying to get the Office group Id I am not seeing it coming in on "e" which is in my selected function. Should I get the office Id another way?
Kendo UI DropDownList
does have functions value()
and text()
. Value function returns currently selected item dataValueField property value. Text function returns dataTextField property value.
On select function you can get values like this
select: function(e) {
// selected value
// selected text
// selected item (ObservableObject)
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item);