pstpr = con.prepareStatement("select id_prodotto from prodotto_autore where id_autore='" + id.getInt(1) + "';");
prodotti = pstpr.executeQuery();
while ( {
pstcoa = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id_autore FROM prodotto_autore WHERE id_prodotto='" + prodotti.getString(1) + "';");
coautori = pstcoa.executeQuery();
List<String> row =null;
while ( {
row = new ArrayList<>(); // new list per row
where from the results of the first resultset i can compute the results of the second resultset. Now i want to save this results in an arraylist but in the same cell. I mean what i have is
[[2], [79], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2]]
but what i need is instead
[[2, 79], [2], [2], [2, 2, 2]]
How can i do? thank you
pstpr = con.prepareStatement("select id_prodotto from prodotto_autore where id_autore='" + id.getInt(1) + "';");
prodotti = pstpr.executeQuery();
while ( {
pstcoa = con.prepareStatement("SELECT id_autore FROM prodotto_autore WHERE id_prodotto='" + prodotti.getString(1) + "';");
coautori = pstcoa.executeQuery();
List<String> row =null;
row = new ArrayList<>();
while ( {
// new list per row
You are trying to create a new array list inside the second result set. Instead create it outside the second result set and within the first result set.