i am using jquery masking in my project to allow the date in mm/dd/yyyy like below
<script src="Scripts/jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
//Input Mask for date of birth or date in general
But at present user can enter any value greater than 12 and 0 for month. Similarly for days greater than 31 . Is there a way i can restrict so that user can't type more than 12 or 0 for mm . similarly he can type more than 31 or 0 for days ?
i have java script validation in place at submit but is there a way to restrict while type ?
try with this:
$("#txtDOB").mask('d/m/y', {'translation': {
d: {pattern: /[0-2]?\d|3[0-1]/},
m: {pattern: /0[1-9]|1[0-2]/},
y: {pattern: /[1-2]\d{3}/}
the mask has three parts,
for days,m
for months andy
for years (you can switch the order if you want), and I have made 3 regex, one for each.
pattern: there are two posible matches (two options) separated by |
first digit should be 0 up to 2
) and its optional (?
) the second digit could be 0-9
first digit is 3
and the second one only can be 0
or 1
pattern: there are two options separated by |
, if month start by 0
the second digit could be 1 to 9
, if month start by 1
the second digit only coudl be 0 to 2
pattern [1-2]\d{3}
: first digit can be 1
or 2
and then should be 3 digits [0-9]