I'm trying to make use of this jquery plugin so I can have Excel-like cells on my website. However I'm using it with a modal as part of creating a new activity for an overview and that doesn't work quite as expected.
For one, the cell is not rendered correctly until the modal is closed and re-opened and when I try to destroy the cells after closing the modal so I can re-add them blank, it doesn't remove the old cells but just adds a new set underneath.
I deduce that this is because the modal is hidden initially, so the library can't render the cells right. Because I tried to put it on a blank website where it worked just fine. So I tried to add the cells after the modal is ready but that still doesn't work right.
function CreateHandsonTable() {
$('#new-activity-modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {
var data = [['Column A', 'Column B', 'Column C'], ['1', '2', '3']];
var container = document.getElementById("example");
hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: data
$('#new-activity-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
I use the above to create the cells, and this is what I got:
You can see that the picture stretches way beyond what it's supposed to hold in the three cells. Now if I make the modal lose focus or close it, I get this:
And a little further down I get this:
So clearly it has to do with the fact that I want to use the cells with an initially hidden element and probably also using the plugin wrong due to the fact that I can't even delete the previous set of cells.
Any help is appreciated :)
I made a jsfiddle to help out.
Playing with your fiddle changing hidden to hide seemed to fix the replication issue:
function CreateHandsonTable() {
$('#new-activity-modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {
var data = [['Column A', 'Column B', 'Column C'], ['1', '2', '3']];
var container = document.getElementById("example");
hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: data
$('#new-activity-modal').on('hide.bs.modal', function (e) {