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cocos2d-x Run parent action from child

I try to write a simple game using cocos2d-x library.

I created class (named Letter) to spawn sprite with random letter as a label and add a listener because I want to catch touch events. I've a function:

listener->onTouchEnded = [=](cocos2d::Touch* touch, cocos2d::Event* event)
    Letter::touchEvent(touch, event);

and action:

void Letter::touchEvent(cocos2d::Touch* touch, cocos2d::Event* event)
    CCLOG("touched MySprite");

In my Layer I have a function to spawn instance of Letter class:

    CCLOG("new letter");
    Letter* _letter = Letter::create();

    addChild(_letter, 1);

And of course in init() i create a one letter:


Now, I want to create action which runs after touch to send some information (int) to my Layer, destroy Sprite and run createLetter(); again.

How can I do this? I tried create CC_CALLBACK_1 and something but I don't have idea what I need to do. :(

I'm not C++ master but I think I've basic knowledge about C++, I'm a system administrator, but I would like to try something net.

Thank you for help.


  • User this->getParent() in Latter class to access Layer class from and then call any method written there incuding createLetter() or any new method to pass integer.


    YourLayerClass* layerObject = (YourLayerClass*)this->getParent();