I am trying to use one-time-binding in my angular application to improve the performance. So I want to use the angular-translate of the next way:
//This code does not work.
function myCtrl($translate){
$scope.DESCRIPTION = $translate.instant('DESCRIPTION');
//I should use a timeout of next way:
//This code does work.
function myCtrl($translate){
$scope.DESCRIPTION = $translate.instant('DESCRIPTION');
}, 1000);
<p> {{::DESCRIPTION}} </p>
How can i detect when the language json file is loaded? I does not want to use setTimeouts.
I hope you understand me
Check this solution:
function loadTexts(scope, ids) {
$translate.onReady(function() {
var size = ids.length;
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var id = ids[i];
scope[id] = $translate.instant(id);
function myCtrl($scope){
loadTexts($scope, ['DESCRIPTION', 'HEADER_TEXT']);
<p> {{::HEADER_TEXT}} </p>
<p> {{::DESCRIPTION}} </p>