Search code examples

.autocomplete() data with remote json

I have some troubles whith .autocomplete function. What i have:

<script type="text/javascript">

$( ".search" ).autocomplete({
      source: [{label:'link label1', searchLink:''},
               {label:'link label2', searchLink:''},
               {label:'link label3', searchLink:''}],
      select:function(e,ui) { 
      location.href = ui.item.searchLink;

And i need put this json content to direct file and read data from it with this aoutocomplete data:

{label:'link label1', searchLink:''},
{label:'link label2', searchLink:''},
{label:'link label3', searchLink:''}

Can somebody help me with it?) Maybe some way with $.getJSON() will be wery great solution:)


  • Basically below is what you need to do.

                    delay: 500,
                    minLength: 3,
                    source: function(request, response) {
                        $.getJSON("JSON file name", {                       
                            q: request.term,
                            page_limit: 10
                        }, function(data) {
                            // data is an array of objects and must be transformed for autocomplete to use
                            var array = $.map(data, function(m) {
                                return {
                                    label: m.lable,
                                    searchLink: m.searchLink

    Below post explains how to use remote JSON with auto complete.

    It has complete code as well