In my spring-boot application, I use swagger2 to document the web-services.
I use some classes that have java.sql.Time and java.util.Date attributes.
In swagger-ui, they appears like this :
I want to modify this to display :
"change_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"
"change_time": "mm:ss"
Here is my class :
@ApiModel(value="TranslationValue", description="Traduction de valeur")
public class TranslationValue implements Serializable {
@JsonProperty("translation_id") private Integer translationId;
@JsonProperty("family") private String family;
@JsonProperty("language_code") private String languageCode;
@JsonProperty("value") private String value;
@JsonProperty("translation_language_code") private String translationLanguageCode;
@JsonProperty("translation_value") private String translationValue;
@JsonProperty("delivered") private String delivered;
@JsonProperty("creation_date") private Date creationDate;
@JsonProperty("creation_time") private Time creationTime;
@JsonProperty("creation_user") private String creationUser;
@JsonProperty("change_date") private Date changeDate;
@JsonProperty("change_time") private Time changeTime;
@JsonProperty("change_user") private String changeUser;
@JsonProperty("status") private String status;
@JsonProperty("orignal_translation_id") private Integer orignalTranslationId;
How can I do this ? I don't find any annotation to set the format.
We had the similar problem. We needed to upgrade the springfox version to 2.3.0 , previously we were using springfox 2.2.2 version. In that old version swagger's @ApiModelPreporty has attribute called "example" which was not doing anything. From the version 2.3.0 version this "example" started working. So after we upgraded the springfox version to 2.3.0 , all we had to do is as shown below.
@ApiModelProperty(required = true,example = "2016-01-01")
@JsonFormat(pattern = DATE_FORMAT)
private LocalDate date;
Below is the link from where we found this information: