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How can I open a pop up of my JSF portlet's edit mode?

When opening the configuration mode of a Liferay portlet it opens in a pop up dialog:

Configuration Mode Dialog

How can I get my JSF portlet to open a similar pop up but for edit mode of my JSF portlet?

I am using Liferay 6.2.


  • In Liferay 6.2+:

    For the most part, you can open edit mode of a JSF portlet the same way for both JSF and JSP portlets: via the client-side JS Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow() method. To create the dialog, you will need to get a render URL for the portlet in edit mode and pop up state via portlet:renderURL:

    <portlet:renderURL var="popUpEditModeURL" escapeXml="false"
        portletMode="edit" windowState="pop_up" />

    Then use the URL in the Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow() method:

        AUI().use('liferay-util-window', function(A) {
            var popUp = Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow({
                dialog: {
                    centered: true,
                    constrain2view: true,
                    resizable: false
            }).plug(A.Plugin.DialogIframe, {
                autoLoad: true,
                iframeCssClass: 'dialog-iframe',
            // call `;` to show the dialog.

    Then call whenever you want to show the portlet in edit mode.

    Alternatively, you could use a Liferay Faces Alloy's dialog (or any other component suite's dialog) with an iframe inside it to show edit mode in a dialog:

    <alloy:dialog height="95%" width="95%" clientKey="dialog">
        <iframe height="100%" width="100%" src="${popUpEditModeURL}" />

    However, this method may not produce exactly the same effect as using Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow().

    Full disclosure: I am one of the developers of Liferay Faces Alloy.