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Getting around 150MB shell limit in powershell

Cross posted from,

Basically I am hitting all sorts of errors trying to install/run the .NET Framework upgrade because the powershell session is out of memory. Trying to install via Chocolatey, I get a 'Thread cannot start' issue. Trying via standard powershell, the exe seems to 'bomb out' on iex because the extractor takes up too much memory. I've also tried Start-Process and iex("cmd.exe /C pathtoexe.exe") and that also fails.

I cannot log into all N hosts and change their powershell limit as indicated here: because I have a LARGE quantity of hosts. Hoping the community has some ideas. Script below

    Write-Host "Executing 'Upgrade dotnet 4.6' for $server"
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -Credential $credentials -ScriptBlock {
    $Url = ''
    $Exe = "net461.exe"
    $Dest = "C:\" + $Exe
    $Params = " /q"
    $client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    Invoke-Expression ("cmd.exe /C " + $Dest + $Params)


  • The following Powershell will allow getting around the 150 MB limit (setting it to unlimited)

    Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN\Client -Name MaxMemoryPerShellMB -Value 0 -Type DWord
    Restart-Service winrm