Situation: 3D Game - I want a lava pool with bubbles, so the particle system got a parent. (the pool)
My problem is that my particle system isn't emitting particles automatically, if I instantiate them. A few information:
- The bubbles are blocked by the pool, so they are only visible at the edge of the pool. (I tried moving my system upwards, but that didn't solve the problem.
- If I place the prefab in the editor, only problem #1 happens.
- If I pause the game then continue, the particle emitter (spawned via script) starts working, and only problem #1 happens. (parent blocks particles)
- If I prewarm the particle system, it emits particles after start (so pause is not needed), but I don't know why, because I've got another prefab which is working perfectly, and its options are the same, the only difference is that prewarm is turned off. (so why is prewarm required the lava pool?)
Sorry for my English, I hope you can understand me. :)