I was reading the purescript wiki and found following section which explains do
in terms of >>=
What does >>=
Do notation
The do keyword introduces simple syntactic sugar for monadic expressions.
Here is an example, using the monad for the
type:maybeSum :: Maybe Number -> Maybe Number -> Maybe Number maybeSum a b = do n <- a m <- b let result = n + m return result
takes two values of typeMaybe Number
and returns their sum if neither number isNothing
.When using do notation, there must be a corresponding instance of the Monad type class for the return type. Statements can have the following form:
a <- x
which desugars tox >>= \a -> ...
which desugars tox >>= \_ -> ...
or just x if this is the last statement.- A let binding
let a = x
. Note the lack of thein
keyword.The example
maybeSum desugars to
::maybeSum a b = a >>= \n -> b >>= \m -> let result = n + m in return result
is a function, nothing more. It resides in the Prelude module and has type (>>=) :: forall m a b. (Bind m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
, being an alias for the bind
function of the Bind
type class. You can find the definitions of the Prelude module in this link, found in the Pursuit package index.
This is closely related to the Monad
type class in Haskell, which is a bit easier to find resources. There's a famous question on SO about this concept, which is a good starting point if you're looking to improve your knowledge on the bind function (if you're starting on functional programming now, you can skip it for a while).