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Is there a supported Ember-cli addon for Polymer?

I'm fairly new to both ember-cli and polymer so bear with me.

My problem here is that I am trying to use Polymer webcomponents within my ember-cli project, however I have not been able to find an add-on or solution that works with the current versions of ember, ember-cli, and polymer that I have (all of which are the latest versions).

I have tried the ember-polymer, ember-cli-polymer, and ember-cli-polymer-toolchain addons on npm for emebr-cli and none have worked. Below is the code that I have included in my brocfile.js and I have already checked that I have installed the correct dependencies needed to vulcanize and merge the files i need.

Is there an official addon supported by the ember team, or is there simply no supported way to accomplish this. It would be a shame to not be able to include polymer's webcomponents in my projects.

Thanks in advance for your help.

var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
var pickFiles   = require('broccoli-static-compiler');
var mergeTrees  = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
var vulcanize = require('broccoli-vulcanize');

var app = new EmberApp();

var polymer = pickFiles('bower_components/', {
  srcDir: '',
  files: [
  destDir: '/assets'

var polymerVulcanize = vulcanize('app', {
  input: 'elements.html',
  output: 'assets/vulcanized.html',
  csp: true,
  inline: true,
  strip: false,
  excludes: {
    imports: ["(^data:)|(^http[s]?:)|(^\/)"],
    scripts: ["(^data:)|(^http[s]?:)|(^\/)"],
    styles: ["(^data:)|(^http[s]?:)|(^\/)"]

module.exports = mergeTrees([


  • This website gives a good guide for doing it without an addon:

    Searching shows four results, ember-cli-polymer-toolchain looks most promising with ember-polymer and ember-cli-polymer also possible - although neither have been updated in the last year. Although you've tried these so I'm guessing not.