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Changing labels of json for d3 sunburst diagram

I am trying to use this code from sunburst diagram to work for my data. Originally my data is from csv which I have converted to json with the help of d3.nest()

   d3.csv("chord.csv", function(error,csv_data){
         var sunData1 = {"key": "KINGDOM", "values": d3.nest()
        .key(function(d) { return d.KINGDOM; })
        .key(function(d) { return d.PHYLUM; })
        .key(function(d) { return d.CCLASS; })
        .key(function(d) { return d.ORDER; })
        .key(function(d) { return d.FAMILY; })
        .key(function(d) { return d.GENUS; })
        .rollup(function(v) {return  v.length;})

This gives me labels like


But in the example, the labels are name, children and size

By assistance from this post I am using the map(function) to change the label to desired as in flare.json. The code for that is here

        var sunData2 = {"name":"KINGDOM", "children": (kingdom){
                return {"name":kingdom.key,  "children":{
                   return {"name":phylum.key, "children":{
                       return{"name":cclass.key, "children":{
                           return {"name":order.key, "children":{
                               return {"name":family.key, "children":{
                                  return {"name":genus.key, "children": genus.values};

Now, I am able to change it into the desired format, but now it is changing the size which is "values" in my json into "children" like here


So, I am looking for some suggestions so that I can change the "children" referring to the count to something distinct, which I can then map in my visualization code.

Issue resolved, I have to delete the data files and comments referring to the data files


  • I am not sure if I am able to get your question correct when you say I am trying to get a different label to the size value instead of children:

    But here is my attempt to give count to each node and use it for drawing the arcs:

    function makeSize(json){
      if (json.children instanceof Array){
        json.count = json.children.length;//if array make it count equal to child count
          makeSize(d);//call recursive for all children
      } else {
        if (isFinite(json.children))
          json.count = json.children;//if number store that in the count
          json.count = 0;//if nothing make the count 0

    Click on count radio.