When adding a user defined default virtual destructor to a class like this..
class Foo
virtual ~Foo() = default;
.. It has the side effects of preventing auto generation of move constructors. Also auto generation of copy constructors is deprecated. A recommended way is to user define all constructors like this..
class Foo
virtual ~Foo() = default;
Foo(const Foo& /* other */) = default;
Foo&operator=(const Foo& /* other */) = default;
Foo(Foo&& /* other */) = default;
Foo&operator=(Foo&& /* other */) = default;
However, this is super verbose and unreadable. Are there any other solutions to this?
First I would consider whether Foo
really needs a virtual destructor. Maybe you can solve your problem in a type safe manner using a simple template, saving you from messing with pointers and casting and so on.
If you decide on making Foo
virtual, then I would recommend this abstraction.
class VirtualDestructor
VirtualDestructor() = default;
virtual ~VirtualDestructor() = default;
VirtualDestructor(const VirtualDestructor & /* other */) = default;
VirtualDestructor &operator=(const VirtualDestructor & /* other */) = default;
VirtualDestructor(VirtualDestructor && /* other */) = default;
VirtualDestructor &operator=(VirtualDestructor && /* other */) = default;
Put this in a library in an appropriate namespace
. Then you can keep Foo
and all other virtual classes clean.
class Foo : VirtualDestructor
The same technique can also be used when deleting for example copy constructors.
Edit: Compiler output and diff with original code