I have a table like this, where I want to insert formulas in column B to arrive at the indicated values.
The logic is this - I want to count every alternate cell in that particular row, starting from column C till column AA, and get the number of cells that contain a date value greater than or equal to Target date.
Cols/Rows A B C D E F G
1 Target Date X X Date Y Y Date Z Z Date
2 13-12-2015 2 13-12-2015 13-01-2016
3 24-11-2015 1 25-11-2015 20-10-2015
4 23-01-2016 0
5 30-01-2016 0 06-06-2016 14-04-2015
To begin with, before I put the condition on the date, I first tried to get the number of alternate columns in this range by using the array formula =IF(MOD(COLUMN($C4:$AA4),2)=0,COLUMNS($C4:$AA4))
But this returns FALSE
for some reason. Only if this returns a numeric value, I can proceed with adding a condition for dates.
How do I modify the formula? Any help is appreciated!
You want to use SUMPRODUCT():
This will return a count of every other column that has a date between 13/1/2015 and 13/1/2016