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Synchronize the onLoad of multiple images with React

Let's say I have an unspecified number of images that are using Andrew Farmer's example image component which detects when each individual image has loaded:

import React from 'react';

class ImageWithStatusText extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { imageStatus: null };

  handleImageLoaded() {
    this.setState({ imageStatus: 'loaded' });

  handleImageErrored() {
    this.setState({ imageStatus: 'failed to load' });

  render() {
    return (
export default ImageWithStatusText;

Using a framework like Flux or Redux, what's the easiest way to synchronize all of the image components to detect when all images are done loading?


  • It might make sense to have counters in redux. For each image you could dispatch an action to increment a imagesOnPage counter in componentDidMount, and then dispatch an action to increment loadedImagesOnPage in handleImageMounted. And for handleImageErrored you could decrement imagesOnPage. When imagesOnPage === loadedImagesOnPage, all images are loaded.

    A more robust approach would be to generate a unique ID for each image, and have an images reducer with each key being the unique ID and the value being its status: { image_1234: 'loading', image_111: 'loaded', image_12: 'error' } You could write some utilities to look through that reducer and see if all images are in the loaded state.