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Can't install .apk after decoding and rebuild (Apktool, Apkstudio)

I decoded an apk file with apktool and I didn't change anything. After that I just build it again and then I tried to install the apk but i got the below error even after some basic change.

What I did using windows cmd:

apktool d somename.apk -o testfolder


apktool b testfolder


adb install somename.apk
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/somename.apk
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory

I did it with apkstudio and the result was the same.

$ adb install -r "somename.apk"
    pkg: /data/local/tmp/somename.apk
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory
Process exited with code 0

Was it a system app? No.

Can someone help me about it?


  • Non-system apks need to be signed after recompiling. Try to sign your apk: Signing Your App Manually