I'm a bit flabbergasted at this, so I'm wondering if any SOers have encountered it before.
I have an essentially flat page with a number of input=text seeded in the markup with default values of say A,B,C,D,E in order. The markup looks like this in view source:
<td class="action invoice">
<a href="#foo">Toggle Invoice</a>
<div class="data">
<input type="text" class="formatted" value="A" />
<a href="#" class="notes" title="Add Note">Add Note</a>
Iterated for a number of rows A->E.
The page is created by an ASP.NET 2.0 app. Version 1 is merely "user.aspx?id=1" Version 2 is path mapped by a RESTlike HTTPModule from "users/1" to "user.aspx?id=1" internally.
Version 1 is fine. Version 2 after rendering leaves me with inputs with values in the order E, A, B, D, E repeatably, but I can see no reason for that order especially.
I can view source and the value="X" is correct, and on DOM inspection in firebug the defaultValue is correct, but the value is not.
The only difference is how the markup is requested. It's like Firefox is quantumly entangled with the server somehow.
Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? I'm stunned.
Edit: this is also definitely a FF issue. IE, Opera and Chrome are all fine with the page.
Edit 2: I literally mean the path of the request. One version is a request to http://localhost/user.aspx?id=1, the other (failing) version is to http://localhost/users/1 and this version is mapped by an HTTPModule to the first path. name= won't help because the default values are not human entered, they're in the source as served.
I would wager that it's related to the mapped url not having a file extension and so the content type isn't being properly deduced by firefox. Try explicitly setting the content type to "text/html" in the ASP code and see if that fixes it.