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Using JavaCV and Realm together causes "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError"

I have recently been getting the following error by attempting to start an instance of JavaCV's FFmpegFrameGrabber:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.bytedeco.javacpp.avutil
    at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader.load(
    at org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader.load(
    at org.bytedeco.javacpp.avformat$AVFormatContext.<clinit>(
    at org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber.startUnsafe(
    at org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber.start(

While solutions to this problem exist, none worked for me.

Through many trials i have discovered that weirdly enough, if i do not include Realm in my project, i no longer receive this error.

Here is the part of my build.gradle file in which I include all of these libraries:

compile group: 'org.bytedeco', name: 'javacv', version: '1.1'
compile group: 'org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets', name: 'opencv', version: '3.0.0-1.1', classifier: 'android-arm'
compile group: 'org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets', name: 'opencv', version: '3.0.0-1.1', classifier: 'android-x86'
compile group: 'org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets', name: 'ffmpeg', version: '2.8.1-1.1', classifier: 'android-arm'
compile group: 'org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets', name: 'ffmpeg', version: '2.8.1-1.1', classifier: 'android-x86'

// ORM
compile 'io.realm:realm-android:0.87.2' // Tested NOT OK - Causes JavaCV to crash

I am thinking that there may be a solution to this problem that i am not aware of. I found no mention anywhere on the internet about library incompatibility or why this behaviour may occur.

I will edit this post with any additional details that anyone might need.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I attempted to apply the fix described here. Now my packaging options look like this:

packagingOptions {
    exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/ffmpeg/'
    exclude 'META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/ffmpeg/pom.xml'
    exclude 'META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/opencv/'
    exclude 'META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/opencv/pom.xml'

    exclude "lib/arm64-v8a/"

Unfortunately, this change has no effect. I'm still stuck.


  • With the help of one of my coleagues i have been able to solve this issue.

    In adition to the steps described in the question, we:

    • Copyed all of the .so files in the app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi and app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a folders
    • Added

      ndk { abiFilters "armeabi-v7a" }

      to the defaultConfig part of the module's build.gradle file

    • Added

      lintOptions { abortOnError false }

      to the android part of the module's build.gradle file

    I will try to provide further clarifications to anyone that needs them if i am able.