Using the default production flag options both the file generation date and the Runtime Version are displayed as shown below:
Notice that the Build Version is listed twice
// CodeFluent Entities generated ( Date: Thursday, 28 January 2016 13:41.
// Build:1.0.61214.0805
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("CodeFluent Entities", "1.0.61214.0805")]
When I set defaultProducerProductionFlags to "Default, Overwrite, RemoveDates" it still displays one of the build numbers
// CodeFluent Entities generated ( Date: .
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("CodeFluent Entities", "1.0.01234.05678")]
The CodeFluent Entities build number cannot be removed totally. If you have a closer look, the build number is a "magic" sequence:
This is used to avoid merge conflicts in source control, and is guaranteed to never change.