I have a Gulp task, wire
that injects the application JavaScript into index.html.
I'd like to have another Gulp task, watch
, that watches for changes on JavaScript files, and runs wire
if there is a new file added or an existing file removed.
The tasks below accomplish this process:
gulp.task('wire', function () {
var injectScripts = gulp.src('src/app/**/*.js');
return gulp.src(path.join(conf.paths.base, 'index.html'))
.pipe($.inject(injectScripts, {}))
gulp.task('watch', function () {
var watcher = gulp.watch(path.join(conf.paths.src, '/app/**/*.js'));
watcher.on('change', function (ev) {
if (ev.type === 'added' || ev.type === 'deleted') {
Unfortunately, it looks like this method is deprecated. When running it, I get deprecation notices in the console:
gulp.run() has been deprecated. Use task dependencies or gulp.watch task triggering instead.
When I swap out gulp.run()
with gulp.start()
(which seems to have little to no documentation), the file changes to index.html are lagged (they take several minutes to go through, which is strange).
Obviously I could change my watch
task to just run wire
whenever a JavaScript file changes and not filter based on the event type, but it seems like a huge waste of unnecessary processing to run wire
when an existing file changes:
gulp.watch('src/app/**/*.js', ['wire']);
What is the recommended Gulp strategy to do this?
Take a look at the long-running discussion of this in this link
var wire = function() {
var injectScripts = gulp.src('src/app/**/*.js');
return gulp.src(path.join(conf.paths.base, 'index.html'))
.pipe($.inject(injectScripts, {}))
gulp.task('wire', function () {
gulp.task('watch', function () {
var watcher = gulp.watch(path.join(conf.paths.src, '/app/**/*.js'));
watcher.on('change', function (ev) {
if (ev.type === 'added' || ev.type === 'deleted') {