I have this code in my controller:
if (Model::validateMultiple($ttepk)) {
$transaction = \Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
try {
foreach ($ttepk as $ttep) {
if (!$ttep->assignPs()) {
throw new UserException('assignPs failed');
return $this->redirect(['index']);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
throw $ex;
in model:
public function assignPs() {
foreach (...) {
$ttepetk[...] = new Ttepet;
$ttepetk[...]->ttepId = $this->id;
... // set other attributes
if (Model::validateMultiple($ttepetk)) {
foreach ($ttepetk as $ttepet) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Everything is working fine (no inserts are happening if any of the models fail validation), except that I would like to see the exact error, exactly by which Ttep (each Ttep is a model) and by which Ttepet (Ttep:Ttepet = 1:N) has the error happened, and what was that. Now I see the Exeption page only, and I don't know how to make the errors visible. Please point me to the right direction. Thanks!
You could iterate on each single model validating one by one and getting the errors when occurs ...
if (Model::validateMultiple($ttepetk)) {
foreach ($ttepetk as $ttepet) {
return true;
} else {
foreach($ttepetk as $model){
if ($model->validate()) {
// all inputs are valid
} else {
// validation failed: $errors is an array containing error messages
$errors = $model->errors;
return $errors;
you can get the errors this way
$myErrorResult = $ttep->assignPs();
if (!$myErrorResult) {