Search code examples

How to get Items count from CollectionViewSource?

I am using CollectionViewSource to filter the records displayed in a ListBox. The xaml follows.

   <Window x:Class="WPFStarter.ListBoxItemsFilter.ListBoxFilterUsingCollectionViewSource"
        Title="ListBoxFilterUsingCollectionViewSource" Height="300" Width="300">
        <CollectionViewSource Source="{Binding ElementName=userControl, Path=DataContext.Items}"
                              x:Key="cvs" Filter="CollectionViewSource_Filter"/>
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
        <TextBox x:Name="txtSearch" TextChanged="txtSearch_TextChanged"/>
        <TextBlock x:Name="txtSummary" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"  FontSize="8"></TextBlock>
        <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs}}" DisplayMemberPath="First"/>


And here is my code-behing ( please don;t mind this code-behind, in the real application i am using the best of MVVM for this scenario).

 public partial class ListBoxFilterUsingCollectionViewSource : Window
        private string _text="";
        private readonly CollectionViewSource _viewSource;

        public ListBoxFilterUsingCollectionViewSource()
            _viewSource = this.FindResource("cvs") as CollectionViewSource;

        private void CollectionViewSource_Filter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e)
            var character = e.Item as Character;
            e.Accepted = character != null && character.First.ToLower().Contains(_text.ToLower());

        private void txtSearch_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            _text = txtSearch.Text;


        private void SetSummary()
            var initialCount = 10; //HELP????
            var filteredCount = 10; //HELP????
            txtSummary.Text = String.Format("{0} of {1}", filteredCount, initialCount);

QUESTION: I Need help in writing the "SetSummary" method, wherein i can get the "initialCount" and the "filteredCount" from CollectionViewSource object.

Thanks for your interest.


  • The source collection and collectionview both implements IEnumerable so you can always iterate over them and count how many are in them. But I would only recommend doing this if you have no access to the actual collection you used as source.

    private void SetSummary() 
        int initialCount = 0;
        foreach(var item in _viewSource.View.SourceCollection)
        int filteredCount = 0;
        foreach (var item in _viewSource.View)