I'm stuck with this Problem and couldn't find an answer. I wrote the following Function in Cloud Code.
function getSoccerData()
console.log("Entering getSoccerData");
var promise = Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
url: 'http://www.openligadb.de/api/getmatchdata/bl1/2015/'
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
console.log("Just a Log: " + JSON.parse(httpResponse.buffer)[1].Team1.TeamName);
return JSON.parse(httpResponse.buffer);
return promise;
I hope I did use Promises the right way here.
Now I assign the function to a variable in my background job like this.
Parse.Cloud.job("updateSoccerData2", function (request, response) {
var matchArray
matchArray = getSoccerData().then(function() {
console.log("TestLog: " + matchArray[1].Team1.TeamName);
}, function(error) {
When I try to run this I get the following Log output
E2016-01-28T16:28:55.501Z]v412 Ran job updateSoccerData2 with:
Input: {} Result: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Team1' of undefined at e. (_other/nunutest.js:28:48) at e.i (Parse.js:14:27703) at e.a.value (Parse.js:14:27063) at e.i (Parse.js:14:27830) at e.a.value (Parse.js:14:27063) at Object. (:846:17) I2016-01-28T16:28:55.561Z]Entering getSoccerData I2016-01-28T16:28:56.920Z]Just a Log: SV Darmstadt 98
So the it seems that the asynchronous function ist not ready when the assignment is made. Can anybody help? Thank you!
Your function looks ok, but the job needs to change to:
Parse.Cloud.job("updateSoccerData2", function (request, response) {
getSoccerData().then(function(matchArray) {
console.log("TestLog: " + matchArray[1].Team1.TeamName);
}, function(error) {
because the function returns a promise that you wait for and the end result of that promise is your array of data.