I need to call some java code in my code. I use BeanShell for it. So, I can do this:
public void testInterpreter() {
Interpreter i = new Interpreter();
But what if I want to call other method in interpreter? I want something like that:
public void testInterpreter() {
Interpreter i = new Interpreter();
public void testMethod() {
But I'm getting an error "Command not found"
Finally I've found the solution.
I'm using Janino Compiler
String javaClass = "code of new java Class2 that extends existing Class1";
SimpleCompiler sc = new SimpleCompiler();
Class<?> executeClass = sc.getClassLoader().loadClass("Class2");
Class1 instance = (Class1) executeClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
Now we have an instance of our Class2. Note that new Class2 should extend existing Class1 and we can call only methods declared in Class1.