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slide effect with jquery

I'd like to create a slide effect using jQuery. I have several div's:

<div id='div_1'>content currently displayed</div>
<div id='div_2' style="display:none">content to be loaded</div>
<div id='div_3' style="display:none">content to be loaded</div>

The idea is that div_2 appears while sliding and "pushing" div_1 out of sight, a little like scrolling a window (horizontal or vertical). I think I can't use actual scrolling because the divs' content is loading via ajax, so I can't position it precisely before it's loaded.

Any idea?




  • Greg, it sounds like you are looking for something like I have done here:

    If so, what you want to do is to contain all of those <div>s inside a parent, and then when you want to slide them, animate the top of each div up the correct number of pixels. The solution I provided above has each <div> more or less set to a fixed height of 20px (via line-height).

    The parent <div> acts as a sort of window to show only the current content.