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Bluemix Monitoring and Analytics: Resource Monitoring - JsonSender request error

I am having problems with the Bluemix Monitoring and Analytics service. I have 2 applications with bindings to a single Monitoring and Analytics service. Every ~1 minute I get the following log line in both apps:

ERR [Resource Monitoring][ERROR]: JsonSender request error: Error: unsupported certificate purpose

When I remove the bindings, the log message does not appear. I also greped my code for anything related to "JsonSender" or "Resource Monitoring" and did not find anything.

I am doing some major refactoring work on our server, which might have broken things. However, our code does not use the Monitoring service directly (we don't have a package that connects to the monitoring server or something like that) - so I will be very surprised if the problem is due to the refactoring changes. I did not check the logs before doing the changes.

Any ideas will help.


  • Bluemix have 3 production environments: ng, eu-gb, au-syd, and I tested with ng, and eu-gb, both using 2 applications with same M&A service, and tested with multiple instances. They are all work fine.

    Meanwhile, I received a similar problem that claim they are using Node.js 4.2.6.

    So there are some more information we need to know to identify the problem: 1. Which version of Node.js are you using (Bluemix Default or any other one) 2. Which production environment are you using? (ng, eu-gb, au-syd) 3. Is there any environment variables are you using in your application? (either the creating in code one, or the one using USER-DEFINED Variables) 4. One more thing, could you please try to delete the M&A service, and create it again, in case we are trapped in a previous fault of M&A.

    cf ds <your M&A service name> cf cs MonitoringAndAnalytics <plan> <your M&A service name>