I am somehow unable to figure out column refferencing in an IF statement Power Query M.
I want to replace value in a column based on a condition evaluating string comparison on different column.
= Table.TransformColumns(
#"Previous step",
{"Col_1", each if [Col_2] = "ghi" then null else _}
"Col_1" - contains floating numbers Col_2 - contains 4x text value
=============================================================== In this example i want to replace the value if string in Col_2 equal to "ghi"
Col_1 | Col_2
0 | abc
12 | def
100 | ghi
Expected result:
Col_1 | Col_2
0 | abc
12 | def
null | ghi
=============================================================== Please advise ...
I tried differently by trying, googling, even chatGPT 3.5 ... with a damn column refferencing.
Try this in powerquery. You need to do a replace
let Source =#table({"Column1", "Column2"},{{0,"abc"},{12,"def"},{300,"ghi"}}),
Update =Table.ReplaceValue(Source, each [Column1], each if [Column2] ="ghi" then null else [Column1] ,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Column1"})
in Update