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eclipse: "The type Vector is not generic. ..."

I have a java project in eclipse and following compile error "The type Vector is not a generic. ...."

enter image description here

I know this error is comming if there are several compiler level/version settings are wrong.

I have added to the build path the JDK1.8:

enter image description here

Also in the Compiler settings I have set Version 1.8:

enter image description here

And last but not least I have also set the correct Java version (1.8) in the Project Facets:

enter image description here

May be I'm blind but where is the project settings with the wrong Java version ....


  • As I have written in a comment I have "reactivate" a project which is very old ... Not a good idea! Part of the project are also the (which is a jar with a ".zip" suffix) and the midpapi20.jar. Parts of these both jar's also some JDK classes like java.util.Vector and java.util.Timer and some more. For compiling the stuff I must remove both jar's or put both jar's behind the JDK8 library ...

    ARRRGH! Who collects official JDK classes in his jar file?!? Not nice...