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How can I pass a parameter value from PHP to jasper report query?

I want to pass student number '2014000030' as parameter value so that i only get the report for that student. How do i do that using the sql query below the code. The below code is how i have done it, but its not working, where did I go it wrong?

PHP code

 //Import the PhpJasperLibrary

//database connection details


$value = '2014000030';

//display errors should be off in the php.ini file
ini_set('display_errors', 0);

//setting the path to the created jrxml file
$xml =  simplexml_load_file("test.jrxml");

$PHPJasperXML = new PHPJasperXML();
$PHPJasperXML->outpage("I");    //page output method I:standard output  D:Download file

SQL Query

SELECT i.stid,i.surname,i.first_name,i.other_names,i.dob,i.course,b.branch_name,r.exam_no,r.modules,m.module_name,r.result,rr.remark FROM modules m,info i,results r,branches b,result_remarks rr WHERE r.modules=m.module_code AND i.campus_code=b.branch_code AND i.stid=r.stid AND rr.result=r.remark


  • In this command


    You are passing the value to jasperReport as an parameter with the parameter name "parameter1"

    Define the parameter inside of your jrxml (use the class corresponding to your database)

    <parameter name="parameter1" class="java.lang.String"/>

    Then use it in query (i.stid=$P{parameter1}).

    SELECT i.stid,i.surname,i.first_name,i.other_names,i.dob,i.course,b.branch_name,r.exam_no,r.modules,m.module_name,r.result,rr.remark 
    FROM modules m,info i,results r,branches b,result_remarks rr 
    WHERE i.stid=$P{parameter1} AND r.modules=m.module_code AND i.campus_code=b.branch_code AND i.stid=r.stid AND rr.result=r.remark

    Its important to set correct class (same as database column) of $P{parameter1} and pass same class as parameter, since jasper report will use prepared statement when query is executed.

    Note: you can use query expression i.stid='$P!{parameter1}' and jasper report will do string substitution, but this is not recommend since your code will allow sql injection.