Currently I have an edittext field that when the user presses enter it does mostly what I want it to, validate an IP Address format and inform the user if it is wrong. How do I make it so when the user presses enter it checks it like it is supposed to be does NOT enter the newline character?
Here is my code for it.
public boolean onEditorAction(TextView arg0, int arg1, KeyEvent arg2) {
ConfigData.m_IPAddress = m_etIPAddress.getText().toString();
showAlertDialog("Invalid IP Address\n Example: \n255.255.255.255\n0.0.0.0","Error: ");
return false;
Another problem I have is that in the false condition of the validation, that it will not bring up the soft keyboard to allow the user to reedit that text field. If the user clicks on another edit text the window gives it focus, and allows the user to edit the second text field while still maintaining the 'green outline' around the original edittext. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks for the response. The EditText still creates a newline. I tried calling that when I create the EditText and it shows the dialog then inserts a newline character at the beginning.. which is weird because the
should automatically overwrite anything in that field to the static IP saved within ConfigData. (my settings class) and I think the focus might work, the problem is that after requestFocus, that EditText shows it has focus but is unresponsive.
I can click on other EditText's and modify them, while it still shows the focus outline on the IP EditText. If I click on the IP EditText it doesn't actually do anything. Its kind of strange.
I think for your EditText creating a new line, you can do that by replacing the enter button by a done button like that :
And to go with that, you can put this to your xml file describing your EditText :