Is there any way to store lists of boxed primitives and Strings in RushORM? Something like ArrayList<String>
or ArrayList<Integer>
? I know I can wrap the int/String in an object that extends RushObject
but I'm hoping I don't have to resort to this.
I've already attempted:
@RushList(classType = String.class)
but it will not compile as the class type must extend RushObject
What you want to do is implement your own custom column type for those boxed primitives.
The only thing you will have to do is switch them to a Array String[] or int[] as you wont be able to get type using ArrayList. Here is a int[] custom column.
public class IntArrayColumn implements RushColumn<int[]> {
private static final String DELIMITER = ",";
public String sqlColumnType() {
return "varchar(255)";
public String serialize(int[] ints, RushStringSanitizer rushStringSanitizer) {
return rushStringSanitizer.sanitize(join(ints));
public int[] deserialize(String s) {
return split(s);
public Class[] classesColumnSupports() {
return new Class[]{int[].class};
private String join(int[] ints) {
if (ints.length > 0) {
StringBuilder sbuild = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
sbuild.delete(sbuild.lastIndexOf(DELIMITER), sbuild.length());
return sbuild.toString();
} else {
return "";
private int[] split(String source) {
if (source != null) {
if (source.isEmpty()) {
return new int[0];
String[] items = source.split(DELIMITER);
int[] ints = new int[items.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {
ints[i] = Integer.valueOf(items[i]);
return ints;
return null;
Then change the initialize function to look like this.
AndroidInitializeConfig config = new AndroidInitializeConfig(getApplicationContext());
config.addRushColumn(new IntArrayColumn());
The only downfall is you wont be able to query anything is the list.
Hope that helps.