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GWTP typesafe with @UiHandler for ui elements

Before GWTP, I used aproach like this:

Button button = new Button();
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                   // doSomething()

But gwtp framework maks me use this aproach:

Button button;

void onButtonClick(ClickEvent e){

I wonder is there any TYPESAFE solution for this?

How to give to @UiHandler() type safe value f.e.:




  • First of all @UiHandler is a GWT UiBinder feature. It has nothing to do with GWTP. If you want to ensure no one changes the type of ui:field in the xml file, you can map it with @UiField first.

    Button button;
    void onButtonClick(ClickEvent e){

    This way, in case someone puts ui:field not to a button in ui.xml file - It will fail at compile time. Hope it helped