I am using a "DevXpress.XtraGrid.GridView" and I have written following code to display a combo box on a cell. It happens when user clicks on the cell. In Debug or Running mode, code get executed properly but nothing happens. Have I done any mistake in the code? Please advice.
Here is my code:
Private Sub GridView1_RowCellClick(sender As Object, e As RowCellClickEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowCellClick
Dim myNewLawyersCol As GridColumn = GridView1.Columns("NewLawyers")
If (e.Column.Equals(myNewLawyersCol)) Then
Dim riCombo As RepositoryItemComboBox = New RepositoryItemComboBox()
GridView1.Columns("NewLawyers").ColumnEdit = riCombo
End If
Catch ex As Exception
DebugMessage(1, "Error in GridView1_RowCellClick :- " + ex.Message)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default
End Try
End Sub
Thank You.
Gosha (from DevExpress Support) helped me to sort the issue out.
Here is his explanation:
"When a user clicks a cell, an editor to edit that cell is created. As far as I understand, you need to change an editor for a particular cell to ComboBoxEdit. If so, the RowCellClick event is not a correct place to do this. To change the editor that will be used for editing a cell, use the GridView.CustomRowCellEditForEditing event. It's specially dedicated for this purpose."
Here is my code:
Private Sub GridView1_CustomRowCellEditForEditing(sender As Object, e As CustomRowCellEditEventArgs) Handles GridView1.CustomRowCellEditForEditing
If (e.Column.FieldName = "NewLawyers") Then
e.RepositoryItem = riCombo
End If
End Sub