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Testing rspec post with Rails JSONAPI::Serializer

I'm using the jsonapi-serializers gem and am having some trouble with figuring out how to test a post request with rspec and a json payload. I know it works because I can use postman and send json and it successfully creates the new object, but I'm not sure why I can't get the rspec test to work.

Here's the api controller method:

def create
  @sections = @survey.sections.all
    render json: serialize_model(@section), status: :created
    render json: @section.errors, status: :unproccessable_entity

The serialize_model is just a helper for JSONAPI::Serializer.serialize

Here's my current rspec tests for that controller:

describe 'POST #create' do
  before :each do
    @section_params = { section: { title: 'Section 1', position: 'top', instructions: 'fill it out' } }
    post '/surveys/1/sections', @section_params.to_json, format: :json

  it 'responds successfully with an HTTP 201 status code' do
    expect(response).to be_success
    expect(response).to have_http_status(201)

I've tried a few different things and can't figure out how to fix this. If I make a post the that url with Postman and that exact json payload, it successfully creates the new section.

The get request tests are working fine, I'm just not sure how to handle the json request data with rspec and the jsonapi-serializer.


  • Try this. Substitute YourApiController for whatever you named yours

    describe YourApiController, type: :controller do
      context "#create" do
        it 'responds successfully with an HTTP 201 status code' do
          params = { section: { title: 'Section 1', position: 'top', instructions: 'fill it out' } }
          survey = double(:survey, sections: [])
          sections = double(:sections)
          section = double(:section)
          expect(survey).to receive(:sections).and_return(sections)
          expect(sections).to receive(:all).and_return(sections)
          expect(sections).to receive(:save).and_return(true)
          expect(controller).to receive(:serialize_model).with(section)
          post :create, params, format: :json
          expect(response).to be_success
          expect(response).to have_http_status(201)
          expect(assigns(:sections)).to eq sections