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Overlapping CSS in React, Webpack application

I have created an application using webpack and reactjs. So far I have created 2 pages. I have defined CSS styling for both the pages. But when I load page 2 after loading page 1, the styles from page 1 are interfering with those of page 2.

For example

Page 1

var Page1 = React.createClass({
render: function(){
<div> <h1>This is Page1</h1> <span> hello from page1</span></div>

module.exports = Page1;


span {
   color : red

Page 2


var Page2 = React.createClass({
render: function(){
<div> <h1>This is Page2</h1> <span> hello from page2</span></div>

module.exports = Page2;


h1 {
   color : blue

When page2 is loaded after page1, the color of span was red, which was loaded from page1's style. Is there any way to avoid such kind of interferences or am I doing something wrong here?


  • You can have local stylesheets for each React component.

    So the style sheet itself will have something like this:

    :local(.styles) {

    You can store it in the same folder as your component code. You import the style like so:

    /* component styles */
    import { styles } from './styles.scss'

    In the render function of your component you will have this:

    return (
      <div className={styles}>

    Everything within that <div> will have the stylesheet applied.

    Loader configuration for your Webpack:

    loaders: [{
      test: /\.scss$/,
      loader: 'style!css?localIdentName=[path][name]--[local]!postcss-loader!sass',

    You can look at this awesome boilerplate app, that implements all of this very nicely.