I deployed an existing Maven project in my Tomcat Server on Windows7 environment. I'm using tomcat7 , spring-security-core 3.1.0 .
However, everytime I'm logging in my webapp, I received an error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Non-hex character in input
The code is working perfectly fine in Linux environment. So I was thinking it's because I'm using windows7 in my local environment. When I look into the internet I saw that's it's a encoding issue between linux and windows.
I tried setting up
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
but haven't succeeded. Please help me out. Thanks in advance!
Most likely, when you login, events happen is such order:
To check for a match, Spring uses PasswordEncoder, which you have most likely configured.
Your password encoder expects that stored encoded password is a hexidecimal char sequence (previously encoded by this PasswordEncoder). Thus, it tries to decode CharSequence into byte[], but fails (source).
The solution is to persist users with previously encoded password, e.g. by BCryptPasswordEncoder.