I have DateTime field in my model. The format in which I send date from frontend is d.m.Y H:i
. And it is parsed ok.
But when I set US date format to be sent from frontend and set culture to en-US
by typing Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US")
in OnActionExecuting
method which is run before my controller action it says that date is not valid at if (ModelState.IsValid)
My question is where in Asp.Net framework is set that default format is d.m.Y H:i
and how can I change that default format? Does binder takes culture into consideration or it is always d.m.Y H:i
Thanks Vadim for your solution, but I found what is going on and solved it without custom date binder.
The problem is that parameter binding is done before the OnActionExecuting
method where I put Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US")
, so the culture was still the default one when binding was done. And default culture is the one which is set in in Windows (system locale).
I changed it by putting <globalization culture="en-US"/>
in <system.web>
in Web.config
So now binder parses US date correctly.